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I am an amateur photographer who is lucky enough to travel professionally & enjoys showing off his work. 


I got the photo-bug from my Dad, who encouraged me to take pictures. I´ve been doing this a long time now!


I try to capture the atmosphere of the town or place I am visiting and sometimes just concentrate on particular things (reflections, water, waterscapes, whatever).


I have had photos used for publicity purposes by bands or organisations and have also been asked to cover events or do some promo photos.


Dad gave me his Voigländer Vito B which he bought when I was born. I`ve had it overhauled and have shot some film with it in 2019.

My only SLRs with TTL metering were an Olympus OM-1n and an OM-2, which I still have and use.

My digital SLR was an E-300 from Olympus; I moved onto the OM-D EM-1 in 2012.

I am upgrading the lenses to PROs & at some point, I´ll own an Olympus Pen, the ideal travel companion.

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© Adrian Ayad